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Dear Diary

Writer: VKMVKM

It's me, Tori—the most underperforming student of the team! I've made a lab website and it is pressuring me to 'kick off my blog with a stunning first post' so please, let me spill you some insider goss.

Mallory, Laysa, and the Professor are in Hiroshima at the International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing. So, that's pretty exciting.

Ashish is in... I want to say Iowa? But maybe Texas. It's less exciting.

Our young baby undergrad Collin is in the process of training an even younger, babier undergrad called Christopher. Eric and our undergrad Karli are taking advantage of ~2/3 of our nano-team being out of town by coming in every day to perform what appears to be one thousand ablation experiments each.

Derrick and his new mass-spec/gas-phase side-of-the-laser buddies Hugo and Shane are also around, doing... well I don't know. But every 20 minutes or something there's a *beep* which summons at least one of them. Hopefully it means that things on their end are going well.

I haven't seen Mi'Kayla in about a month, presumably she's in the physics building describing molecules to a computer. She and that computer just sit around and imagine what this or that molecule would do in various scenarios. That's my understanding of molecular modeling.

And finally me; I've been in the library working on my thesis ever since the day I was born.

Our lab recently submitted a publication so I guess we'll make an announcement when we hear back about that. Also, we're doing project SEED again this summer, so we'll post about that too.

That's all Diary—your friend, Tori



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